ro Law No. 160 p. 6 I . Hia ama, natioo.ality, qualifioa'rAcnc;, 2. The nama of the school, UG locatien, building anC Panex.oc; tho contGoM1 Tho kind and Eitandard of ti). p:zoviJf,:6; Partioulam axpon (11GotTd frc..; the pzi:aIc. iv t'or bol'a 6, cn,adtionz cg aocmptan pTKx11;f:J 7. Syotcm or ont17anvc, and a tho yoar cyad RiatA 6. 7ndication of the iFicalcIl ;forms and ti a Naziaam nulabz:.y adatiVted to eaclh; 9. Open:Inc day o:P. the Gchool; 10. Financial .,:1.7Laranteou for moeting the svIacol ananclial ta:iiaa-tioni; and 2inFmcia3. raoourcoe uppopritad. for the schc4a cpaseso To the application 1,,,I.aec, be annued: a. Detallacl ongineuring plariv,t2 th (al oolv30, bui1din7s; b. An idenUt!y cortirinatct of tW.; applicant, a cortilacto...