:I \f8 IUO oaeer to O!lOporuto with the 1i.1.n.Ut.ry .of Education in an;y way wMob d~ 001. rob uo .of tb!l nbUlt¥ to a.ke .our ov:n ohan.ote71oUo conlzlbut.1on to egypt. • can, fo r l.~tanoe, add to cur CUJ'"J'loul\D vlrtuall;y arvthina tba.t the '$~ "*Watry would doslro \to to. We l"ooogn1zo that. the goYOlt'IIMmt. must DOt 8tanlartlo ~ in,tl'UoUon to whioh we DB a. ull1vOJ'slty must adhoro. We uHl:r'D 1ne:;.ect.l.on am oonat.!'uotlft 0l'1 \1010 !'roD the gDVI)2'1'r.I8Ilt.. tut we ohould mt went to be put 1n Q Jlooitlon in whioh 1IO eh.ould have to IUbUBOt om ow" ow.o oontl'lbut.1tm. Thl.:J ba1ng tho cue, \fa ha.YS to a..ekt 1. 0008 t.bo goY&nD:lOftt J: E:;yp t moh un to olooe the ttdvoroltyt tt !'to' duea, it haG ool.y to plo..eo US unde...