I t MI:NUTES OF A MEE:l.'ING of th,e Executi va Conrrnit tec-) of the AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO held at the office of the corporation at 175 Fifth Avenue, New York City on June 22, 1965 at 3:00 P.Me PRESENT: MGHS rS~ :Jirk s , Barco, l'1cLaln" Bar'tlett, VanVleck, Harbi 'u,l l1 :ayne , Cole, C:l"'a!'y~ The CD;: lt1Gllor repol"ted on Miss I.ister i s situation and tJ:le ar~al'1gen .?lts for her I" etiren!ent e He gtated that the Uni'lrers:Lty ha.d paici. approx:L:iJlately $1, '700 fOl' special nurse s dU2.~lng her illness, wi).::;} the oiJ2:1.er med.ical costs bei.ng assumed by h0r, laX'gely t!1.:t'ougl'l Blth3 Gl"OS S. HA sald that in approximate'ly t 'v,1Q lro1ee lG'~ B;'H"\ J\":::wlctod to l"eturn to ·the ofl'ice on a part time basis;...