• 1 I Minute 1952 Organization I #95) Agenda ( Attached) #9 5'+ ReSignation 1955 Signature on Legal Doouments 1n Cairo t fh. .\nerlcJ.n Univer .. ity at l. 'I. ... TO lHNUTBS OF HF."TING The Board ot Truet ••• Hew York Cltl JOY. 18-12. 1960 Meotlng of the Board 01 trustees (the torlY-18t:ond annual .oettn,) or the A •• rican University at Cairo vas hold On Jove.ber 18 1 1960, at tho Hotel Gramf!l rcy Park, lew York Cl~Yt and oontinued on Saturd., .orninc at tho Unlyerllt7 ottlc •• , 175 Flfth Ave., (se. attaohed lett.er Iro. Dr McLain to Dr. Horton doted November 21, 1960 ) Present - On Friday: Drs. Messrs. Crary Dodds, Nrs Messrs. Holtz and Potter, Horton, Dirks, Van Vleck, Lloyd i also Dr •• 1cLain. and Miss Lister. On Saturday. Drs. Harb...