Appendix A TIE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY AT CAIRO Meeting_of Board of Trustees GrIBIEAL_L ELIaLtl,No w York 20 June 1959 AGS.NDA I. Prayer H. Roll Call III. Consideration of Agenda Iv Einutes of Board msoting 28 February 1959' V. Old businoss A Statement on Univert3ity.Facaity,(for B. Statement on Tanuro (for iLformatIon) C, Statement on Leaveo of Absence (for informaio) D. Rspori:, from .Cottnsol m use of' buildin fundti Neu busAncss A, Rctlationn with the Egyptian Governmant 1. Report on the•Stadent's Suit against th Uni*Terz,:iit Ct - (ep, ,2. The University and the Education 'Law #180 . 3. Tho "position paper" on Basic R5soensibilition of the Universiq. .....,....•• ••../..4M4,.....*.a.,x y. B. Relationo with the United States Govevnment I. T...