YOUI" Excellencies, l.adlos & Gentlornen r f-.1embcrs of tha Graduating Class: It Is with very groZltest pleasuro that I Join YOtJ hero ton Igh'!", as a teacher at Co I Uf;1~ r I'.l Un Ivers' ty, as a ~1rrter end historian, as a former diplomat, most of all as n friend of Egypt. Just about forty years 'ugo t arrived In AlexandrI a as a very young vico consul to his first diplomat ic post. foIl In lovo at once \\11th your country and Its people anJ have he I d to that affect r on ever sInce. I t was the beg I nn' na of a Ilfolon~ lovo affair. am no except I on In th I s respect. Evcry Ar.1cr' can v!ha has spent [lny cons!deorabla time In this country hes hrJd 'l'ho St)nlO cxpod ence. Th I s great un I VOI-S I ty In wh I ch ~'O s it Is a livi...