Aolremcr 16, :.9 :2 FIEPcTi ON TUEAMER,T rAN UNIV „ AT CAIRO tlot:umemt ia btrt a 1,:.zpos-t and CI request. The pevied oovercd b,y tVe ie OSS to ti r,;.i urazer,“.; datte. The reque* Fc, 64,11tAon actilptort, for the xls4od fron January. 19S8 throh Auguot ;Thturcily, the rep'vt k;:traLDsiRE mme indiezitiona of prow-am avd Orairatity fAvt.l.r,Jprrt ;_)Gynd tN2.t time. :Tr e -42. ,C,1121 iq; the tftinning .“1.o gemer40. agye,,,;Aent anonfi thc Pule Univer31/27. aff thalt 4/ko Vatveraity -t"ets need rittriy wai kate,-;L,sA ace iiacirek Yun tion «f xL;tnc IL 4'af; 4tisu nrited thAA ti (t st7Ady ahculd vetf-udy, both b4:ncu5e h(!; 34%cif boa kalcv thort ii.wobIe-as of tha :tition and wuuld be ready ';e:/ nft :1,eir c,wrs ?fn..tet The aJtisigle ...