Section III ........1.0•1*...ww....•••••••••n•••n••••••• Articles XXVII through XLI. Even though the provisions set forth in thse) ;7(-' obviously designed for the adminLstrtion c‘f p-cry secondary schools, the University wishes to 23%).1 fact that it never condones the Vpe of bshaviac in article XXXII , and implied in the othora. never -wishes to avoid or escap o nora3. Since the University is responsiblo for tho app:1 t. c, its staff, and for their salariLm and welfare it f3C1',9 that it must also be responsible for ataEf discipline. The's statomant On Apri3 4, 1959, and hereto attachla, indicao which it assumes its responsibilty in thLs ragarJ, ;,no yet observes all the rights and ?rivileges of th.,) individual teacher. Chapt...