I I , -4- to receive no applica.tions for neli admissions to the ELI or Undercraduate Faculty for the aecond semeater of this current year, lUltil such time .0.8 the po.ition of the University vi.a-avis tal¥' 160 is clearer .. E. That the Uoard ot' 'trustees requost thB University Senate .: through its P1annina Co:mnittee. in cooperAtion with The Board at Trustoes ~nd the Middle Bast SUIvey Committee! to develop detailed studies (aholOin& program, ne(Jd~ in atafJ'in'h f'acilities and financ:l.al Sl1pport .. eto.) ltithroference to the following alternativeSl 1) Continuation essentially as nt present, i.mproving and strengthening program and organization .:In the wa.ys indicated in the 1958 statement on NATURE, PURPOSES AND PROGR».[ as modi...