I , - 10 - Because the newly visualized program of the Universi ty will need far greater undere,tanding r..nd support than the old, extra. efforts will need to be mde in public rela'~ ione. TO,; w:Ul be espe cie.l1y ir.tpo:!'t3.nt to :i.nvolve responsi1le Egyp tians in the pl anning ar. d e taf'flr.g f' :: f or te t 1-1::. t ar'"1 IIr'. de ., I t ':Vi r~ bG helpful, furthermore .• if sAV's!'E.l E.dd:.ticnal leading Egypt::.rulS were ap?ointed to the Board of Trustees no If.l.teJ:' t'hE..n the ti.rue of the Novem'"uer 19S1 meetings Better selection isalso required in the adndssions of s~dents. The success of the new program will depend to a :tarl?,9 extfmt upon the ability of the University tl) att!'3.ct hi.g!lly qmlified st1"do3nts, and to ...