I I I ~4. FIla'~CT AJ~ Agend ur ..:: ain repc.r ad ~ + ne had. spen", 1n ~ ira w~th r [ sel nf I E S. A~ mucro 'tolInQ ute me of the dis 18,10n a ten-year program ~f (ic1a18 in Waslllngl)11 in thB Unlvers~ty a,o o have an under hat w~ eed to ~repar4 de.~lop~ent The of are ke~ IS interested AT X.iOU8 to he.:.p but want g of long-ler prog~am Mr Po +er re~ie~8ct ~uotton III. United State~ ovsrnmen1 n thu ~l' hed paper it Curren1 Act1~itle6 ... n thtl U~'ltV(:Ir'b~ty Dft'IJ810pment. Progra. ...... " (Appendix C)_ He r.,varted that the grant of $500,000 in Egypt! I 1 undtl in "Counterpar' Funds" had been approved by ... he Burea'l of the Budget In Washington and 'Woul be made available Witn thlS appro'/al flnal plans for the S1 ude., Serv10es Ce...