Draft 5/26/59 Dear Our records indicate that you made a cxtrb cz to the American University at Cairo shortly after Wof16 '4,11 ,1 in connection with the proposed building program of^ sity for development of tha suburban site otl;1 í Ca. the Boulevard de PL-ramiAes. For Various reason, tho lack of ilufficient funds, the University ha o ncver able to carry out this program. Your ccintributoo, tovao:.. with those of othees, has therefore been hold'iol account by the Univer:3ity since that dpte, After careful consideration the Univasity h4.J. now decided to abandon its plan of developing the suburbaa and it hopes to eell th property. Through the generoco help of loyal friends -of t.ho University, the Hill House, •fornerly a dormitory, has been ...