31. O ct oh: exi 1959 TIIE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY AT CAW A r~ew est f o~..r1.~ ~ f inane i~a~l. auotM~. ort I'rocn the ;~rd 'Yrvws~4~. R.cR Ctl.b Found/Aim jar the establiahmen_t,yof_ist 12oaa,st,,ttati4n.Spqí-,qr,1 The research and graduate aspects of the proeear of the America University at Cairo have been developing rapidly L\ the last six ye&re during which time the Social Research Center has bctn in operation ms a unit of the University. During these years the University has added MA programs in Anthropology-Sociology and ielleg1. _sh . +_ter t,gi!re. An MA program in Arabic Language and Liten°eture hay;', been n existence Foe some time Careful studies of the University r; opportunities cor ieteet with ito nature have also been conducted....