. , • • I 88. FINANCIAL CAMPAIGN t 89 . NAME OF A.U. C. 90 . ADJOURNMENT Executive Com . April 11 , 1960- p. 4. The proposed endowment campaign was discu8sed generally . Prospects for eecuring funds vere 1 . Capital funds tor buildings which probably can be secured troM the U.S.A. Government . 2 . Funds for current operations - probably troM bus iness firms . 3 . For permanent sustenance of an enlarged program permanent lunds must be secured trom private sources . Emphasis was placed on the necBssity ot deciding and concentrating on what the University can do well , how much should be on the graduate and how auch on the undereraduate level , what opportunities can be explored 1n the field of extension work , e specially the "continui ng ed...