It would be hoped, further, that all official relationships between the Ministry and the University could then be carriod on through this committee. If the statement of April 6, 1959, entitled The Ala.oxlcgm Unlinspitiat_pairo, is a satisfactory dascrfiX17,76-7:nt:7-- operational document in the eyes of thc Ministry, ths tniversity hopes that any new regulation may Lake it into aeccu7A, respectfully suggested, even, that the 14inistry wit,y b "bring the University under the Education Lay on nie the statement referred to". In other words, the Urvormil present basic operation would be legalized and rGccri2,(- sufficient. XXVII. The American University at Cairo iG a tiniversi.Ly ar6 intend to change this status. Should it wi01 to oha77. locati...