La-J-4 As is stated in the document Basle ReskaaRA1Alitie5, thi; University conceives its task to bi-altural in character. This means that it feels a responsibility to support and work for the welfare of Egypt and the U.A,R. XX. The University does not operate on a system of nboo ks pre-scribed for teaching" any more than does any other Universi'4.,y. Again, this article apparently was written primary and secondary ed4cation in mind. This point of Tieu is troat.s6 further in the document, Basic Res.eonsibiltlec. XXI. This £8 obviously written for the primary and secoLday school. The University, in any case, fels that M., mut)t reserve the responsibility of "entranco and preoxobln" itself, since these matters are on of the w,M,yal of th...