.. 9 University rests with the University. It follows that persons who hold a staff relationship are responsible Lc) the Univecrsity, and to no other persc,n or organiz&tion for their professional action2, From its inception the Amorican University at Cairo has employed West(•rnsrs and. Middle EaBterners on its staff. just now the Middle Easterners outnumber the WeW6evners two to one. Eleven nationalities are represented th.;;! teaching so the its no inlination to b exclusive on national lint)s. 4) Excellenl:e r6quiros aducluae facilities. Wall-equ;_pped and maintainad physical facilitios 111123t, be providod. The University's libraries, laboral:ories, stud:t.os, classrooms, offices and all physical eq;Aipment. have a -rnarf.ng upon its abi...