Appendix C 20 June ) • PROGRESS REPORT ON THE UNIVERSITY AND THiF, ffiTYPTIO—nricAT1511 LAW (lItb—of 1958) n•• In March 1959 trie Central Minister of Educatioa of stated that the "University must come under the Educ:atior Lau." At, the same time a request was made that the University fu-znish the Ministry with a document setting forth its natura, hiatory, program, procedures, etc, It was assumed that thia documant, riigh become the basis upon Iilhich the Universi44 cou16 "come under 'Aie law," This document, dated 6 April 1959 and entitled simply T:ae Amricen Universiqat Cairo wae prepared ir. both English ind Arabic and iTapplied to the ginistry. Later conver.sation, how:7ftr, indicated thst the University must "come under the law" with re...