I , , Mr. Hassanein Hailtal Editor in Chief Al Ahram Cairo U. A. R. My dear Mr. Heika1: 20 October 1960 I am. delighted at tho n/\twa s't.ntemont in Al Akhbar of th1a morning. baving to do with the exefllp'l:.ion of the University fi'om the application of La .. , 160. Thi.s i!loans!l. trernendouD lot to t.he University, and I know we have you sinoerely to thank tor this pro:r::ising result. As you know. we ~ere talking yest~rday of some way to let the natter be ~~id publicly that would meet our noedn. and at the Balile time uould not. be too difficul t for the Ministry to nake. It 808MB to me tha.t t he Akhbar statoMent does this latter function quito satis_ factorily. and tr.at no further public atatemont need be made. unless the Ministry ...