I. I. -9- SOCIOLOGY-ANTHROPOLOGY Eloise Butrus Abdel Halek Hind Hassan Aboul Seoud Mohamad Hafez Mohamed Ibrih im Najla Ahmed Hamdi (i n absent ia) + ~ .. Nawe I Matrnoud AI Hi ss i rl Shah ira Abbas A I Sawi Shawki lisa AI Sibai + Graduated on January 25, 1965 * With honors ** With high honors *** With highest honors Agenda x. Also RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees authorize the President .. to confer degrees in 1966 on students: who have been du Iy recommended by the Faculties and approved by the Senate and that he present a complete list of such students with ' the degrees conferred for f i na I approva I by the trustees at the first meeting of the Board of Trustees f~flow;ng the graduat ion exerc I sese Plans for the meeting of the Bo...