I J -9- SOCIOLOGY-ANTHROPOLOGY Eloise 8utrus Abdel Halek Hind Hassan Aboul Seoud Hohamad Hafez Hohamad Ibrihim Najia Ahmed Hamdi (in ebsentla)+ Nawal Mahmoud AI Hissirl Shahira Abbas AI Sawi Shawkl Issa AI Sibai + Graduated on January 25, 1965 * With honors ** With high honors *** With highest honors Agenda x. Also RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees authorize the PresIdent .. to confer degrees in 1966 on students· who have been duly recommended by the Faculties and approved by the Senate and that he present a complete list of such students with · the degrees conferred for final approval by the trustees at the first meeting of the Board of Trustees f~Jlow;ng the graduation exercises. Plans for the meeting of the Board in Ca·tro In March, 19...