, , Ocbober 31, 1960· .lr. Uasssnein IIeikal Editor-in-Chief Al Ahram Cairo, U.A.R. My dear ~lr. lleikal. I am very grateful for the conference I hsd with you Saturday evening:, and for all the thoUGht and effort you arc Civing to the University . Someday soon let's have a victory dinnerS As we agreed Saturday, the crux of the whole issue is in paragraph 13 of the Symmarx gf the Situation which I sent you on that day. It reads as follows, 1tTherefore, the University is respectfully requesting that Law 160 be considered as inapplicable to any private university until such time as a more workable and reasonable law may be devised.rt On thinking the matter over, I believe I have struck upon a much better way to say the satGo t:dng, and I am pr...