4 Egy tian Govt. Sudan Mission: Two studonts from Southorn Sudan aro sponsored by the Egyptian Government (Ministry of Education) board and room, tuition focs and books. These studonts pro now in thoir senior your. Jordanian Governmont Mission: Two students woro sponsored by the Jordanian Governmont, Choy graduatod last year. Very pro-bably duc to tho present relationship, no now re-placements worn made this year. 1.171„hram Scholarship,: This scholarship providos for one tuition foe for a senior student in journalism (t186). ïxnfilo-Egyptian Oil ___.n ds_: This scholarship of $75 contributes partially to the tuition fco of o student in our science group. Maadi Communty Church: This.is a now scholarship which has just boon installed. Two st...