2. The Administre tive Commijiee of the S.P.C. must agree to adopt the project as one oî its research activities. 3. Iwr, Hanna Pizk and a special committee. of the S.P.C. should approach the Ministry of Public Health in orderfto know the extent to which the Ministry is willing to participate in the financing and the sponsorship of the research. 1, 4290 - STUrE NTS' PAPTICIPA.TI-.N After discus: ing the possibilities of setting IN SOCIAL SEPVICES: up social service activities to be carried out by A.U.C, students during the current school year, the Council has3ecided that a sub-committee of the Relief Co-iimittee be folmed to draw an a.decuate program of student relief activities to be implemented as soon as the school re-opens. The structur...