9(S Tunis Subscribers 2 India Subscribers 2 GRAND TOTAL 424 Summarizing the above figures and comparing them with last year, we find that in Egypt we had 272 subscribers against 271 the pre-vious year, in Iraq 72 against 26, in Palestine 40 against 58, in Syria 18 against 8, in the Sudan 13 against 15, in Transjordania 3 against the same number, in each of Sumatra, Tunis and India 2 against none. The total is 424 just little over last year's figure. In addition to these paid sub-scribers we have some 120 more copies distributed freely every issue to leading controllers, inspectors and others in the Ministry of Education. Owing to financial limitations, we could not advertise the Journal, nor have we been able to carry- out any systematic pl...