1 1 Committee on EducAtion 99 Octo1_,,r 21, 1977. 7. The Committee wishes to commend most highly the faculty of the College and the Council in Egypt for the splendid way in which they handled the problem of securing a larger enrolment of students and the results which have been obtained. The latest cablegram from Egypt shows the following statistics for the enrolment this fell: Government Course 128. The total average en-rolment during the college year 1926-27 was 140. 8. The Committee voted unanimously its approval of the membership of the Council in Eg pt for 1927-28, as follows: Dr. Watson (President) Dr. iicClenaha.n (Principal of College of Arts & Sciences) Mr. T. Cleland (Director of Division Extension) Mr. Russell Galt (Dean of Schoo...