Genre: Oral history. Title: Nggeu theke (Baby gecko).Palu'e, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Recording made in kampong Mata Mere, Keli domain
Genre: Legend/Oral history. Title: Methi Liru2. Wora Ngangene (b. 1940), kampong Kaju keri, recorded...
Genre: Legend/Ancestor history. Title: Cua kabe. ...
Genre: Family history. Title: Cawa Lunda. Lengu Nandene (b. c. 1916) tells about the man Cawa Lunda,...
Genre: Oral history/Family history. Title: Ata Waka.Palu'e, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. ...
Genre: Oral history. Title: Maju Sawa. Petrus Baga, kampong Oje Diji, tells a story about a border w...
Genre: Legend/Oral history. Title: Ware Pa'e and the Keli-Edo Woto war. This recording, from one of ...
Genre: Oral history. Title: Sosu merine. The first recording of a narrative on Palu'e. Sebastianus S...
Genre: Oral history (late 1800s, 1900s). Title: Nua Meline. This recording, from one of the first re...
Genre: Oral history/Legend. Title: Ware Pa'e. Franky (c. 45 yrs), 'kombi' of lakimosa family in Lei,...
Genre: Oral history/midwifery. Title: Prematur. Wake Agus, kampong Mata mere, recorded by SD with th...
Genre: Oral history. Title: Mutu beko (The Volcanic explosion). Grandmother Ngole Dhokane tells abou...
Genre: Oral history/adat. Title: Tomas Toda, kampong Nitung lea, tells about Watu Keso (Keso stone),...
Genre: Oral history. Title: Mari Longa. Bapak Wora Ngangene (Wora Du'a. b. 1940), kampong Kaju keri,...
Genre: Origin myth/Oral history. Title: Ata Mbare (The Mbare people) A history about Mbare ancestors...
Genre: Oral history. Title: Pisa cabu. Lengu Nandene (b. c. 1916) tells about how the sacred healers...
Genre: Legend/Oral history. Title: Methi Liru2. Wora Ngangene (b. 1940), kampong Kaju keri, recorded...
Genre: Legend/Ancestor history. Title: Cua kabe. ...
Genre: Family history. Title: Cawa Lunda. Lengu Nandene (b. c. 1916) tells about the man Cawa Lunda,...
Genre: Oral history/Family history. Title: Ata Waka.Palu'e, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. ...
Genre: Oral history. Title: Maju Sawa. Petrus Baga, kampong Oje Diji, tells a story about a border w...
Genre: Legend/Oral history. Title: Ware Pa'e and the Keli-Edo Woto war. This recording, from one of ...
Genre: Oral history. Title: Sosu merine. The first recording of a narrative on Palu'e. Sebastianus S...
Genre: Oral history (late 1800s, 1900s). Title: Nua Meline. This recording, from one of the first re...
Genre: Oral history/Legend. Title: Ware Pa'e. Franky (c. 45 yrs), 'kombi' of lakimosa family in Lei,...
Genre: Oral history/midwifery. Title: Prematur. Wake Agus, kampong Mata mere, recorded by SD with th...
Genre: Oral history. Title: Mutu beko (The Volcanic explosion). Grandmother Ngole Dhokane tells abou...
Genre: Oral history/adat. Title: Tomas Toda, kampong Nitung lea, tells about Watu Keso (Keso stone),...
Genre: Oral history. Title: Mari Longa. Bapak Wora Ngangene (Wora Du'a. b. 1940), kampong Kaju keri,...
Genre: Origin myth/Oral history. Title: Ata Mbare (The Mbare people) A history about Mbare ancestors...
Genre: Oral history. Title: Pisa cabu. Lengu Nandene (b. c. 1916) tells about how the sacred healers...
Genre: Legend/Oral history. Title: Methi Liru2. Wora Ngangene (b. 1940), kampong Kaju keri, recorded...
Genre: Legend/Ancestor history. Title: Cua kabe. ...
Genre: Family history. Title: Cawa Lunda. Lengu Nandene (b. c. 1916) tells about the man Cawa Lunda,...