Genre: Oral history/midwifery. Title: Prematur. Wake Agus, kampong Mata mere, recorded by SD with the AT2020 mic in the earthen guest room of Ebbe's bamboo house (neighbour), late morning 22 June 2015. Agus tells of how an extremely premature born baby – "big as a rat" (and rats are not so big on Palu'e like in Jakarta) was cared for by his family, until he could drink breast milk and grow like a normal child. For several months the little baby was kept in a small lontar basket/box, 'dhuthu', lying on abed of cotton. The parents fed it with coconut water and milk (fresh squeezed fruit/white meat, like oil), that was given with cotton, absorbed, to the mouth of the baby. The baby, Rugu, survived, grew up and had several children. Agus is a r...