Genre: Legend. Title: Nona caga mutu (Nona watches over the volcano). Lakimosa Bangu, kampong dan domain Woto tells a legend about a woman, Nona Ambo Talo, who watched over the mountain. It is only one minute long and a bit confusing because of that. Nona and/or another pisa (BI. dukun, paranormal healer) asked when the mountain wll give them fire, and then it erupted. Finito. Recorded with an AT2020 mic in the home of Lakimosa Bangu, kampong Woto, early afternoon 5 Feb 2015, on my first visit to Woto. I came with Petrus Tanga whom I had talked to and recorded a few days earlier. We were about a dozen people chatting outside for a couple of hours, getting to know each other, and waiting for lakimosa Bangu to recover from a night of ritual ...