Genre: Legend. Title: Pion pikariwu. Aloysius Sinde-Pima, then village chief of Desa Lidi, recorded directly to the Zoom HN1 (stereo) on kampong Woja, at the village office around noon time 3 July 2014, during the second field trip. With Pitu Sopune and a friend of Aloysius. Aloysius does not narrate often, but he is skilled in oral traditions, and known for that, both prose and ritual language. He had as a youth taken keen interest in Palu’e oral traditions and often visited an elder, Ngange Du’a, in kampong Nara, where many Woja people descend from. Aloysius also took notes when completing an assignment while in senior high school. Ngange Du’a was acknowledged for his knowledge about Palu’e oral literature, and often told stories for chil...