湯本茶屋付近から眺めた双子山と箱根旧街道の様子。明治6年(1873)に東京・長崎間に敷設された電信線を支えるための腕木が松に見えるので、電信柱を立てる前の仮設のものとすれば、敷設直後の写真であろう。この構図で電信柱のあるもの(目録番号4414等) は、本写真より恐らく時代が下ろう。This photo depicts Mt. Futago and the old Hakone Highway viewed from a teahouse in Yumoto. Since the supporting wood for the telegraph line placed between Tokyo and Nagasaki in 1873 is sticking out of the pine tree and suppose it is for the electric pole to be made, it is probable that this photo was taken right after the line was placed. The photos with the same layout with the telegraph pole (catalog #4414) must have been taken later than this one