湯本茶屋付近からの双子山と箱根旧街道の眺望。明治6年(1873)に敷設された東京・長崎間の電信線が見えず、それ以前の撮影であろう。石畳は文久年間(1861-64)に大改修されたもの。ここは休憩場所であったらしく、職人風の男二人が休憩している姿が見える。この写真と似た構図のものは極めて多い。This photo depicts the Old Hakone Highway and Mt. Futago viewed from around the teahouse at Yumoto. The telegraph pole made in 1873 between Tokyo and Nagasaki is not present, and therefore, this photo was taken before that time. The cobblestone paved road was renovated between 1861 to 64. This site appears to have been a resting place and two workers are relaxing. There are many photos like this one existing