山梨県南巨摩郡身延町に所在する日蓮宗総本山身延山久遠寺の祖師堂棲神閣である。棲神閣は日蓮上人尊像を奉安する建物であるが、江戸期の建物は明治8年(1875)に焼失しており、写真に写るのは明治14年(1881)に移築再建されたものである。建物周囲の状況から再建まもない頃の撮影であろう。Soshido Seishinkaku at Minobusan Kuonji Temple, headquarters of the Nichiren Sect of Japanese Buddhism. This temple is located in Minobu-machi, Minamikoma-gun, Yamanashi Prefecture. Seishinkaku is the place where a famous statue of Nichiren, the founder of the sect, is located. However, the building erected in the Edo Period was destroyed by fire in 1875. This photograph depicts the new building erected in 1881. The state of the surroundings suggests that it was taken soon after construction