22. Chenopodium ambrosioides L. Linnaeus, Sp. pi.: 219 (1753). - Type: Linnaean Herbarium 313.13 (LINN) lectotype, sei. by Brenan, Fl. Trop. E. Africa, Chenopodiaceae: 10(1954). D Vellugtende Gåsefod. F sitruunasavikka. N sitronmelde. S citronmålla. Therophyte (summer-annual). Strongly aromatic, up to 60 cm, ± hairy and with subsessile glands especially on the lower leaf surfaces (almost absent on upper leaf surfaces); glands with pyriform head. Stem subangular, yellowish or striped with green, erect, branched. Leaves sessile or with a 0-5-1.5 cm long petiole; blade lanceolate to elliptic, 3-15 cm, coarsely serrate, sometimes incised or sinuate, pure green; base attenuate; apex obtuse to acute. Inflorescences spike-like, bracteate ...