9. Chenopodium L. Chenopodium L., Sp. Pl.: 218 (1753); Kowal, Monogr. Bot.1 87-163 (1954); Brenan, Kew Bull. 1956: 165-167 (1956); Aellen in Hegi, Fl. Mitteleuropa III, 2: 576-578 (1960); Scott, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 100: 205-220 (1978); Wilson, Nuytsia 4: 139- 180 (1983). Blitum L. (1753). Roubieva Moq. (1834). Teloxys Moq. (1834). Annual herbs, sometimes perennial herbs, shrubs or small trees, with vesicular or glandular hairs, or glabrous, gynomonoecious. Leaves alternate. Flowers in cymose, sometimes glomerulate clusters, in axillary and terminal spiciform or paniculate inflorescences; flowers bisexual or sometimes pistillate; perianth lobes 3-5(-6-8), often keeled or winged, sometimes with fringed appendages, in fruit rarely becoming ...