3. Chenopodium bonus-henricus L. Figs 2C, 5A Linnaeus, Sp. pi.: 218 (1753). - Type: Linnaean Herbarium 313.1 (LINN) lectotype, sei. by Jonsell & Jarvis, Nordic J. Bot. 14:155(1994). D Stolthenriks Gåsefod. F hyvänheikinsavikka. N stolt henrik. S lungrot. Hemicryptophyte. Perennial, 10-80 cm; young parts brownish, somewhat sticky, farinose, later ± glabrous. Taproot up to 1.5 cm thick. Stems often several, subangular, brownish to yellowish green, up to 1 cm thick, erect or ascending, almost unbranched. Lower leaves with up to 15 cm long petiole; blade broadly triangular, 3-12 cm; base hastate to subsagittate; margin somewhat undulate, usually entire but sometimes with several large outward-pointing teeth. Middle leaves with much short...