11. Chenopodium vulvaria L. Figs 2K, 9B Linnaeus, Sp. pi.: 220 (1753). - Type: Linnaean Herbarium 313.18 (LINN) lectotype, sei. by Jafri & Rateeb, FI. Libya 58: 15 (1978). D Stinkende Gåsefod. F haisusavikka. N sildemelde. S stinkmålla. Literature. Nilsson & Gustafsson 1982. Therophyte (summer-annual). (5-)10-30(-40) cm, conspicuously grey-farinose, not tinged with red, stinking (smell sometimes perceptible even in several decades old herbarium specimens if moistened and rubbed). Stem subterete, hard, erect to procumbent, usually richly branched; lower branches subopposite, prostrate to ascending, usually longer than the stem, to 50 cm. Leaves with petiole c. 2/3 as long as the blade; blade ovate to broadly trullate or broadly ovate...