6. Chenopodium glaucum L. Figs 2F, 6A Linnaeus, Sp. pi.: 220 (1753). - Type: Linnaean Herbarium 313.17 (LINN) lectotype, sei. by Uotila, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 30: 190 (1993). D Blågrøn Gåsefod. F sinisavikka. N blåmelde. S blåmålla. Therophyte (summer-annual). 5^10(-100) cm, glabrous or almost so except for the leaves beneath. Stem yellowish, green-striped or sometimes reddish, erect to procumbent, often richly branched, especially basally. Leaves with petiole usually less than 1/3 as long as the blade (in the lowermost leaves rarely as long as the blade); blade green and glabrous above, glaucous and densely farinose below (except for veins), elliptic-ovate to lanceolate (sometimes broadly ovate and slightly 3-lobed), rarely narrower, 1-5(-6...