21. Chenopodium opulifolium Sehrad. ex W.D.J. Koch & Ziz Fig. 12D Koch & Ziz, Cat. pi.: 6 (1814). - Type: Germany, Pfalz ("e Palati nata") ex herb. Wikström (S) lectotype, sel. by Beaugé, Chenopodium album et espèces affines: 83 (1974). D Kortbladet Gåsefod. F heisisavikka. N småmelde. S olvonmålla. Therophyte (summer-annual). 20-80(-200) cm, young parts often greyish-green due to a dense cover of vesicular hairs. Stem terete to subangular, striped with green or uniformly greenish, hardly ever red-tinged, without red spots in the axils, hard, usually erect, often branched especially near the base; branches fairly long. Leaves with petiole often almost as long as the blade, green, especially small leaves often densely farinose. Lowe...