20. Chenopodium hircinum Schrad. Fig. 12C Schrader, Index Sem. Horti. Gott.: 2 (1833). - Described from Brazil. D Ram Gåsefod. F pukinsavikka. N bukkemelde. S bockmålla. Therophyte (summer-annual). Up to 70 cm, usually stinking when fresh. Stem pale, striped with green, without red spots in the axils, erect to ascending, branched. Leaves with petiole half as long as to as long as the blade; blade broadly ovate to triangular or sometimes ovate, usually about as wide as long or even wider, almost always distinctly 3-lobed, 1-5(-8) cm, pure-green to yellowish-green, sometimes distinctly farinose; basal lobes entire or with I large tooth; midlobe up to half the length of the blade or slightly longer, either parallel-sided, with a few coarse...