Stenometopiini Baker, 1923 Fig. 54 Type genus: Stenometopius Matsumura, 1914 (= Hodoedocus Jacobi, 1910). = Stirellini Emeljanov, 1966. Diagnosis Stenometopiini are small to medium sized, often brightly colored or iridescent leafhoppers. They can be identified by the narrow crown, shagreen texture of the crown, clypellus parallel-sided or tapering apically, forewings often submacropterous to brachypterous, male pygofer sloping caudoventrally and with few macrosetae and often with a distinct lateral tooth, female ovipositor protruding far beyond the pygofer apex, first valvula dorsal sculpturing granulose to maculose and submarginal, first valvula with distinctly delimited ventroapical sculpturing, and second valvula without dorsal te...