Stegelytrini Baker, 1915 Fig. 53 Type genus: Stegelytra Mulsant & Rey, 1855. Diagnosis Stegelytrini are medium sized to large leafhoppers, sometimes very robust, setose, and flylike in appearance. They can be identified by the head usually much narrower than the pronotum, eyes encroaching onto the pronotum and lying above lateral carinae of pronotum, antennae usually very long, clypellus often with pair of stout subapical setae, legs with supernumerary setae, profemur row AM with AM 1 plus two or more additional macrosetae, metatibia dorsal surface with extra setae between rows AD and PD near base, valve often with long length of articulation with pygofer, connective with anterior arms widely divergent, and style linear. Description ...