Fieberiellini Wagner, 1951 Fig. 25 Type genus: Fieberiella Signoret, 1880. = Synophropsini Ribaut, 1952. Diagnosis Fieberiellini are medium sized, tawny to brown leafhoppers. They can be identified by the forewing lacking an appendix, forewings not overlapping, connective T-shaped and with a distinct stem, style linear or not broadly bilobed basally, and female sternite VIII not concealed and folded beneath sternite VII and movably articulated with sternite VII*. *Sternite VIII is almost always folded beneath and concealed by sternite VII in Deltocephalinae and is often membranous or reduced; thus, when the pygofer and ovipositor are in their resting positions, sternite VII appears to be the one immediately basad of the genital cap...