Koebeliina Baker, 1897 Fig. 31 Type genus: Koebelia Baker, 1897. Diagnosis Koebeliina are medium sized to large brown leafhoppers. They are distinguished from Grypotina by the crown strongly produced, spatulate, anterior margin of head foliaceous, forewing veins pustulate, appendix absent, metatibia dorsal rows without or with indistinct intercalary setae, metatibia pecten with platellae, first valvula relatively straight and not strongly curved, first valvula dorsal sculpturing pattern reticulate to maculose and submarginal, and second valvula with teeth restricted to apical 1/4. Description HEAD. Head subequal to or wider than pronotum. Discal portion of crown shagreen. Anterior margin of head foliaceous. Frontoclypeus not tumid; ...