Eremophlepsiina Dmitriev, 2006 Fig. 40 Type genus: Eremophlepsius Zachvatkin, 1924. Diagnosis Eremophlepsiina are medium sized, robust, ivory or brownish leafhoppers. They are distinguished from other subtribes of Opsiini by the macropterous forewings, pygofer lobes with ventral pointed processes, valve thick and strongly developed, valve longer than wide and parabolically or lanceolate-parabolically shaped, subgenital plates without macrosetae, and aedeagal shafts arising from base. Description HEAD. Head subequal to, wider than, or distinctly narrower than pronotum. Discal portion of crown glabrous with radial or longitudinal striae. Anterior margin of head glabrous, irregularly textured, with numerous transverse striations. Front...