Koebeliini Baker, 1897 Figs 30, 31 Type genus: Koebelia Baker, 1897. = Grypotini Haupt, 1929. Diagnosis Koebeliini are small to medium sized, yellow, light green, or brown leafhoppers. They can be identified by the ocelli distant from the eyes, clypellus long, narrow and extending well beyond the normal curve of the gena, and metatarsomere I with platellae on the plantar surface. Description HEAD. Head subequal to or wider than pronotum. Discal portion of crown glabrous with radial or longitudinal striae or shagreen. Anterior margin of head foliaceous (Koebeliina) or shagreen, with transverse striations, or carinate (Grypotina). Frontoclypeus not tumid; texture shagreen. Clypellus narrow; parallel-sided or tapering apically; apex f...