Eupelicini Sahlberg, 1871 Figs 22, 23 Type genus: Eupelix Germar, 1821. Diagnosis Eupelicini are medium sized to large ivory, ochraceous, green, or brownish leafhoppers. They can be identified by the strongly produced or spatulate head, gena without fine erect seta beside laterofrontal suture, genal margins strongly emarginate (~90º angle), forewing veins raised or carinate, metafemur apical setae 2+0, metatarsomere I expanded apically, male pygofer macrosetae absent or reduced, subgenital plates without macrosetae, and aedeagus not hinged basally. Description HEAD. Head subequal to or wider than pronotum; somewhat to very strongly produced anteriorly. Discal portion of crown shagreen, granulose, or punctate. Anterior margin of head...