Fiabe (skazki) e fumetti in Russia sono due generi dalla storia diversa, ma entrambi dalle radici profonde: Aleksander Utkin nel suo Skazki Gamajun è riuscito a unirli. L’opera può essere considerata come una fiaba autoriale che rielabora in chiave moderna il folclore russo, inserendolo in un medium che coinvolge linguaggio verbale e visivo. Il libro può pertanto essere considerato una traduzione intersemiotica. Allo stesso tempo Skazki Gamajun impone al traduttore un’analisi comprensiva e approfondita: solo così sarà possibile, almeno in parte, trasporre il fumetto di Utkin in un’altra lingua, ovvero in un altro contesto culturale.In Russia fairytales (skazki) and comics are two genres with a different history but deep roots: Alexander Utk...
(in English): The present thesis titled Translation of francophone comics deals with the subject mat...
Tulkošanai mūsdienās ir svarīga loma sabiedrības komunikācijā. Galvenā problēma ir tulkojuma ekvival...
Translation is a form of artistic creation. Translation is an ancient art, its history is long, its ...
Fiabe (skazki) e fumetti in Russia sono due generi dalla storia diversa, ma entrambi dalle radici pr...
Jēdziens komikss ietver gan mākslas, gan valodas iezīmes un to kombinācijas. Šī bakalaura darba mērķ...
The thesis is entitled The Method Used In Translating A Comic The Adventure of Tintin and Picaros in...
Nell’intervento si condividono alcune esperienze traduttive proposte all’interno dei nostri corsi de...
Komiks to specyficzny gatunek literacki (lub paraliteracki), który łączy tekst i obraz. Głównym zada...
The article raises the issue of translating the works of national literatures through an intermediat...
Na análise literária russa, a categoria skaz ganha relevância a partir dos estudos de Boris Eikhenba...
Pri prevajanju literarnih del so prevajalcem za premostitev razlik med jezikom izvirnika in jezikom ...
The purpose of this article is to reveal the specifics of the translation of cross-cultural texts by...
Translators of literary texts play the role of a bridge between the two nations. Literary translatio...
The relevance of this study is due to the growing interest in translations of fairy tales of small ...
Prevajanje mladinske književnosti marsikomu zveni kot lahka naloga, a je v resnici velik izziv. Še p...
(in English): The present thesis titled Translation of francophone comics deals with the subject mat...
Tulkošanai mūsdienās ir svarīga loma sabiedrības komunikācijā. Galvenā problēma ir tulkojuma ekvival...
Translation is a form of artistic creation. Translation is an ancient art, its history is long, its ...
Fiabe (skazki) e fumetti in Russia sono due generi dalla storia diversa, ma entrambi dalle radici pr...
Jēdziens komikss ietver gan mākslas, gan valodas iezīmes un to kombinācijas. Šī bakalaura darba mērķ...
The thesis is entitled The Method Used In Translating A Comic The Adventure of Tintin and Picaros in...
Nell’intervento si condividono alcune esperienze traduttive proposte all’interno dei nostri corsi de...
Komiks to specyficzny gatunek literacki (lub paraliteracki), który łączy tekst i obraz. Głównym zada...
The article raises the issue of translating the works of national literatures through an intermediat...
Na análise literária russa, a categoria skaz ganha relevância a partir dos estudos de Boris Eikhenba...
Pri prevajanju literarnih del so prevajalcem za premostitev razlik med jezikom izvirnika in jezikom ...
The purpose of this article is to reveal the specifics of the translation of cross-cultural texts by...
Translators of literary texts play the role of a bridge between the two nations. Literary translatio...
The relevance of this study is due to the growing interest in translations of fairy tales of small ...
Prevajanje mladinske književnosti marsikomu zveni kot lahka naloga, a je v resnici velik izziv. Še p...
(in English): The present thesis titled Translation of francophone comics deals with the subject mat...
Tulkošanai mūsdienās ir svarīga loma sabiedrības komunikācijā. Galvenā problēma ir tulkojuma ekvival...
Translation is a form of artistic creation. Translation is an ancient art, its history is long, its ...