2 e) STANDING BY-LAWS AMENDMENT COMMITTEE;- A motion was passed to accept nominated slate as the elected slate. Dr. John Rodenbeck Assoc. Prof., English Dept. Dr. John Alden Williams Professor, Arabic Studies Dept. Dr. Mohamed Younis Asst. Director & Asst. Prof., Computer Center 6. The Chairperson of the Faculty has appointed the following members to the Faculty Membership Committee:- Dr. Kinawi Assoc. Prof., Mats. Eng. & Phys. Sc. Dept. Dr. W. Said Professor, English Department Dr. John Paul Mason Visiting Asst. Prof., Soc.-Anth.-Psych. Dept 7. Discussion of item 4 of the agenda was postponed to enable faculty,to acquaint themselves with issues involved. Mr. Nichols? Business Manager, asked that this item may be also included in the agenda...