/?yi THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO FACULTY MEETING Minutes of the Faculty Meeting of Wednesday, November 20, 1968 The meeting was opened at 1*45 p.m. by Chairman Jones, \ 9« AGENDA * The agenda v:as approved. 10. MINUTES; The Minutes of May 30 were approved as corrected. The Minutes of October 16, 1968 vere approved as corrected* Item 5 should read (last sentence) "The following Faculty members vere elected to the By-Laws Amendment Committee; Dr. Hamamsy Dr. Al-araby Dr. Allam Because of the illegibility of 2 members of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee a motion vas carried to refer nominations to these vacancies back to the Nominations Committee of Faculty*1, Item 7 "Report of Implementation of May 1968 Recommendation" was...